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Who you will deal with

Markus Kassulke


Source, play, negotiate, sign games, run company - all in a day's work.

Daniel Weber

Business Developer | Producer

Part-time Indy on the Quest for the Golden Deal! By day I’m teaching devs.

Philipp Nägelsbach

Producer | Publishing Scout

I design games, I produce games, I'm wondering why days only have 24 hours.

Jay Pfeifer

Jay Pfeifer


At the end of the day is how the player remembers the experience.

Vitalij Trinkenschuh


Rejection is no cause for alarm. I'll make sure the release party is on schedule!

Thomas Schmitt

Publishing | QA

I manage everything, find all bugs - and then watch it fall apart.

Jan Pytlik

Publishing | QA

I macromanage my busy minions and micromanage your milestones!

Anna Simon


As Master of Localization, I wield the great Grammar Hammer and hunt down all bugs.

Felix Totzauer


I wonder if this textbox scales with the text or just starts cutting off text whe

Yona Dillmaier


I've played a thousand games to help make yours something special!

Michael Hall

Marketing | Publishing

I make sure people see your great game. I write this, so I make the jokes!

Thomas Zinnecker

Video | Marketing

The notorious video blacksmith of the almighty trailer park.

Neal Hertzke

Video | Marketing

The mythical Trailer Ninja, he's cutting trailers in the day, and onions at night.

Laura de Andrés

Social Media | Marketing

I have 3 things to say: Add it to your wishlist, Out NOW and WE'RE ON SALE!

Ingo Beitz


Wise giant and graphics wiz! Just what our adventuring party needed!

Christophe Kalkau

Composer | Sound Design

I service the SWOOSHes and bring the BANGs into the LALALAs and DOOWOPs!

What we can do for you



Creating a great game takes time, effort and money! If you put in the time and the effort, then we can help you out on the financial side.



We’re developers ourselves and can help our partners with technical problems and try to offer efficient and agile solutions.



We’ll help you iron out bugs, give you feedback on usability and in general will support you in releasing your game in an optimal state.

Marketing & PR

Marketing & PR

Trailer production, trade shows/events, dealing with press & influencers or handling social media and advertising – we’ll let your game shine!



We’ll deal with the bureaucracy, assist with the submission, and help you to get your game on many different platforms and even retail business.



Customer support is an important factor in terms of user happiness. We’ve got you covered and will answer to all problems, complaints, and praise!

Pitching 101

Let's Go

If you want to talk about your game, you do have our curiosity – but to get our attention, we need to know as much as possible about your idea, your concept.

First things first

Yes, we do finance projects.

Ideas are worthless

… unless you convince us, you are the ones who can transform them into a great game. So let us know about your previous work or your experience.

Be unique

Coming up with your own spin on a popular mechanic is fine, but we are not interested in “reskins”.

Get to the point

Nobody likes “mood videos” or “target screenshots” – tell us at what point of the development you are and what your vision is – and how you want to get there.

Spread the love

Do you have a great story behind the game? Don’t leave that out. If you aren’t excited about your game we probably won’t be either.

Tell us about your Game


    FinancingPR & MarketingQADevelopment SupportDistribution

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